Facility and Industrial Lighting Applications

Industrial buildings such as factories, energy-producing facilities and manufacturing centers and office buildings require lighting that is able to withstand extreme temperatures and humidity and are both shatter resistant and environmentally sound.
EncapSulite offers industrial lighting fixtures and systems worldwide to provide everything you need in safe, efficient lighting fixtures. EncapSulite’s Gold Fluorescent Lighting is ideal for UV sensitive environments, including shatter resistant industrial lighting. Crack, peel, and flake-resistant coatings provide excellent mechanical strength and safety.
EncapSulite’s Waterguard Plus Lighting Fixtures are featured in numerous industrial settings, such as: product inspection areas, food production plants, parking garages, seacoast facilities, water treatment plants, and corrosive areas. EncapSulite's waterproof lighting is cost effective, energy-efficient, and constructed with state of the art technology.